Cover - Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Éclairs

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Éclairs

90 mins
372 cals per serving

Donal's Notes

Chocolate eclairs might be enough for most people, but I love the addition of roasted hazelnuts here, they add a lovely taste and crunchy texture.


plain flour
plain flour
caster sugar
caster sugar
vanilla pod
vanilla pod
dark chocolate
dark chocolate
double cream
double cream


large baking sheet
large baking sheet
Parchment paper
Parchment paper
Weighing scales
Weighing scales
Wooden spoon
Wooden spoon
2 piping bags
2 piping bags
Round piping tip
Round piping tip
small round piping tip
small round piping tip
Pastry brush
Pastry brush
Wire rack
Wire rack



Preheat the oven to 220˚C/425˚F/Gas Mark 7 and line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.


Place the butter and water in a saucepan and bring to a steady boil until the butter is melted. Remove from the heat and add the flour, beating with a wooden spoon until a dough comes together. Place back over the heat and beat the dough in the saucepan for about 40 seconds.


Remove from the heat and set aside. Beat the eggs in a small bowl.


Add a little of the egg at a time, beating thoroughly with a wooden spoon until the egg is completely incorporated after each addition. You're aiming for a consistency that will hold it’s shape when piped. It should be smooth, shiny and just about fall from the spoon. You may not need all of the egg.


Using a spatula, scoop the dough into a large piping bag fitted with a large round piping nozzle and pipe 10cm/4" lines on the lined baking sheets, leaving about 4cm/1.5" in between each line to allow for spreading. Brush each one with the little leftover beaten egg.


Place in the oven, reducing the heat to 190˚C/375˚F/Gas mark 5, for approximately 25 minutes until they have risen and are golden and crisp.


Transfer to a wire wrack and use a sharp pointed knife to pierce three holes on the underside of the buns. Allow to cool completely before filling.


For the crème pâtissière, split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds. Add this to a medium saucepan with the milk and place over a medium high heat. Bring to the boil and then turn off the heat. Scoop out the vanilla pod.


While the milk is coming to the boil, place the sugar, cornflour and egg yolks in a large mixing bowl and beat with a whisk until thick and pale.


Pour the hot milk into the bowl, whisking quickly and continuously until it is smooth and incorporated. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and place over a medium heat beating continuously until it has thickened. Transfer the crème pâtissière to a cold bowl, create a flat surface with the back of a spatula and wipe the top with a little butter (this will prevent a skin forming). Cover directly with cling film and allow to cool completely.


For the chocolate glaze, melt the dark chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of hot water. When the chocolate has melted remove the bowl from the heat and gently stir through the cream. Fold in the butter until you have a shiny, spreadable chocolate glaze.


To assemble the eclairs, fill a piping bag, fitted with a small round nozzle, with the crème pâtissière and pipe into the holes on the underside of the choux buns. Spread the chocolate glaze over the top of each eclair and sprinkle with the roasted hazelnuts. Serve straight away or the eclairs will keep for 1 or 2 days in the fridge.

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