Cover - Steak Platter with Basil & Corn & Spring Onion Butter

Steak Platter with Basil & Corn & Spring Onion Butter

20 mins
196 cals per serving

Donal's Notes

I cook the bavette steak here on a griddle pan, but this cut of beef is ideal for a BBQ, just cooked for a few minutes on both sides, leaving it charred on the outside but juicy and pink on the inside. Serve this up platter platter style alongside some other great sides and you’ll have yourself a feast!


chipotle paste
chipotle paste
olive oil
olive oil
corn on the cob
corn on the cob
unsalted butter
unsalted butter
green chilli
green chilli
spring onion
spring onion
fresh basil
fresh basil
baby gem lettuces
baby gem lettuces
extra virgin olive oil
extra virgin olive oil


Chopping board
Chopping board
Chopping knife
Chopping knife
Large frying pan
Large frying pan
Griddle pan
Griddle pan



Put the bavette steak in a dish with the chipotle and half the oil and set aside for 15 minutes.


Heat the rest of the oil in a heavy pan and add the sweetcorn and cook for 4-5 minutes until charred then toss in the butter, chilli and spring onions and fry for a couple more minutes. Season and take off the heat.


Heat a griddle over a high heat, season the steaks and sear for 3-4 minutes each side until charred and still nice and pink inside. Rest for 5 minutes then slice, adding any juices to the corn pan.


Arrange the gem lettuce on a platter, top with the steak. Toss the basil leaves through the warm corn then spoon onto the steak. Squeeze over the lime juice and drizzle with the extra virgin olive oil and serve.

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